The Wright Ecotheologian
Associate Professor of Religion
Former Department Chair of Religion & Philosophy
Executive Director, Collaborative for the Common Good
Foodscapes are embedded in our spiritual landscapes. Around the table, people share more than food; they share their nuanced lives and nurture the personal, spiritual, and professional in communion. This book is the product of longings and questions, doubts and hopes, commitments and abstentions, plates and palates. It is an expression of food as the context for wilderlove: an unconditional love that knows no bounds.
Food & Faith: From Dirt to Dessert
August 2023
This interactive book with Paulist Press is intended to invite readers to new just behaviors with engaging practical exercises, reflection pieces, and media clips aimed to change hearts, heads, and the work of our hands. Its pages gives space for a diverse set of voices from the rural south to those across the globe to the voice of Earth herself -- all calling out for ecosocial justice.
Caring for Our Common Home
June 2020
This book examines the history and development of a ecological theological anthropology - a way to appreciate the intertwining relationship between God, creation, and humanity. With this new lens, human suffering can be re-imagined so that people of faith can better understand the suffering inherent to earth's creative processes and that inflicted by human sin.