The Wright Ecotheologian
Associate Professor of Religion
Former Department Chair of Religious Studies
Founding Executive Director, Collaborative for the Common Good

Launched September 2019
St. Peter Care for Creation Initiative
As a team, the Care of Creation ministry at St Peter's Parish prioritizes imbuing care for creation throughout all parish activities. As such, we focus on partnering with other St. Peter ministries and with outside organizations and non-profits to share the message of Laudato Si and encourage all to consider how they can care for God’s creation.
Roadmap for Creation Care Teams
As surveys are done, updated Roadmaps will be uploaded
Videos (Bishops; Religious; Youth)
CCC Resource Library
GCCM Materials
Prayers & Worship Items
List of Parishes who do CC well
Science resources
Climate economics
Ignatian Resources
Sisters of Mercy Resources
CCL Resources
USCCB Materials
...and much more

Creation Care Teams
Break Out Session
Creighton University Conference (July 2021)
Laudato Si' and the
US Catholic Church
Video Messages from Catholic Youth
CCT Success Stories
Pictures & Displays
Slides full of Ideas, Events & Proposals to try with your team
Ways to create a partnership with diocesan staff, bishops and pastors
... and so much more
History of Creation Care within Catholic Social Teaching
In a retreat offered by Sisters of Mercy (Belmont, NC), I designed a history timeline of Catholic Social Teaching to show how creation care has always been a part of CST. Click below for the Timeline graphic as well as the slides from the retreat. A great article for more information on this rich history of ecological awareness in CST is offered in Celia Deane-Drummond's article "Joining in the Dance: Catholic Social Teaching and Ecology" published in the New Blackfriars journal in 2012.