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Wondrous Water Women: Blue Communities of the Sisters of St. Joseph

This picture is from the home page of their website that you must check out! LINK

The season of creation is about renewal and hope and when I think about who is doing this, these formidable women come to mind! For years, they have committed themselves as people of great faith to the Care for our Common Home and their many neighbors who inhabit this sacred planet.

At the end of 2017,  the Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph became a Blue Community so that we can protect water as a shared commons, sacred gift, and human right.

To be honest, these amazing women have been part of my path since my time as an undergraduate living in Christie Mansion -- the St. of St. Joseph's women's dorm that was part of the University of St. Michael's College in Toronto, Canada. The Sisters of St. Joseph were my mentors, guides, and patient confidants as I navigated my way through a Bachelor of Science (Zoology) and all the ins and outs of learning who I was and what I wanted to become as a undergraduate. I might not remember some of the classes I attended but I remember their genuine interest in me, their heartfelt care about my well being, and their intentional participation in my learning community. But I never realized how after all these years they would be still forming me -- in the rural community in North Carolina where I now call home.

But I shouldn't be. They are trail blazers and genuine Christ-centered missionaries ... and I believe they are under recognized leaders in Pope Francis' ecological, Gospel centered evangelization.

Their wisdom and grace needs to be shared with the world especially during this Season of Creation. Closely listen and reflect on their words and commitments. This is a 12 min video to help us all understand our dysfunctional relationship with the lifeblood of our planet and ourselves.

Take some time to explore their website and the collected resources tab. In this one spot, they have amassed much for our journey to our holy noticing of water and during this Season of Creation -- and beyond.

Here is a snapshot of what great resources they have!

Need to learn more about water? Watch this video and find out some facts.

Do you know the story of Bottled Water and its impact on our Common Home?

Do you know about the many, many campaigns to reduce single use plastics?

Do you know about water injustice in Flint?

Do you know about the Sustainable Development Goal concerning water (#6)?

Want to read more about Water Justice, Ecology and Faith Connections?

Want to post infographics about water and justice?

Do you know the connection between nuclear power plants and threats to water?

Have you ever thought about the problem of flush-able wipes?

Thank you to all the Sisters of St. Joseph who graced my path. Know that you are loved.

And I am immensely grateful.

Praise Be!

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